Work With Me

C H E R  M E L I  –  Y O U R  M I D L I F E  M A S T E R Y  M E N T O R ™

Transform Your Life with Empowering Support and Fresh Perspectives

Supporting you to find spiritual rebirth and healing from long held fears and negative thoughts toward yourself and others

Let's take the first step


Experience a newfound sense of strength and stability by making lasting changes in your life. I’ll offer unique perspectives and unwavering support to help guide you through painful life journeys with grace. Together we will alchemize your painful experiences from something that is happening to you, to something that has happened for you, extracting the gifts of grace & wisdom.

My approach focuses on guiding individuals to transform their suffering into a rebirth, regardless of their religious beliefs or faiths. Whether you’re going through a difficult time in your life, a painful breakup or divorce, feeling like you’ve lost yourself, or experiencing a true dark night of the soul, I’m here to help.

However, not everyone is ready for the spiritual, yet practical guidance I offer. My services are designed for those who are willing to compassionately recognize themselves as the common denominator in their life challenges, and are ready to take responsibility for making real change. If you feel like you’ve tried all the spiritual approaches, spent countless hours with a therapist analyzing past experiences and still find yourself repeating patterns, or feel overwhelmed, I can offer you a fresh perspective. I’m here to help you let go of anything that perpetuates your suffering and embrace a rebirth of your perceptions, relationships, and life.

Personalized Programs

Custom Meditation Prescription

Not all….. Your Personalized meditation practice

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1:1 Mentoring

Your Midlife Mastery Mentor™ – Spiritual-Based Mentoring

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Group Coaching

Karmic Abundance

A transformative journey to Alchemize your life, spiritually heal and Thrive in relationships

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On Demand Meditations & Workshops

Get my FREE Meditation Course

Calm Within: Free Meditation Course. Boost Focus, Relieve Stress, Find Serenity.


New Moon Manifest Meditation

Are you ready to manifest the reality of your dreams!

Enroll NOW!

Natural Forgiveness

Forgiveness is one of the highest levels of grace we can achieve, while at the same time a completely selfish (in the best way possible) act.

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Speaking Engagements, Event Bookings and Workshops

Cher offers many educational programs that can be tailored to the needs of your community.

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Personalized Programs

Custom Meditation Prescription

Not all….. Your Personalized meditation practice

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1:1 Mentoring

Soul Doula™ – Spiritual-Based Mentoring

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Group Coaching

Karmic Abundance

A transformative journey to Alchemize your life, spiritually heal and Thrive in relationships

Enroll Now!

On Demand Meditations & Workshops

Get my FREE Meditation Course

Calm Within: Free Meditation Course. Boost Focus, Relieve Stress, Find Serenity.


Natural Forgiveness

Forgiveness is one of the highest levels of grace we can achieve, while at the same time a completely selfish (in the best way possible) act.

Enroll NOW!

New Moon Manifest Meditation

Are you ready to manifest the reality of your dreams!

Enroll NOW!

Speaking Engagements, Event Bookings and Workshops

Cher offers many educational programs that can be tailored to the needs of your community.

Learn More!

T H E   P O D C A S T

Confessions Of A “Selfish B*tch”


Welcome to ‘Confessions of a Selfish B*tch’ with Cher Meli, your guide to living a more balanced and joyful life. We’re here to challenge the stereotype that putting yourself first is selfish or wrong. In a world where prioritizing your own needs can earn you the label of a ‘selfish b*tch,’ we’re here to embrace it and turn it on its head. Join us as we explore the art of self-care without guilt or shame, and delve into how setting boundaries, saying ‘no,’ and making time for yourself can be empowering and transformative. If you’ve ever been called a ‘selfish b*tch’ for simply taking care of yourself, this is the podcast for you!

Listen Now!

M Y   B O O K

Confessions Of A Selfish B*tch


A B O U T  C H E R  M E L I

An Introduction to
Me & My Work

Cher Meli is a master teacher of meditation, executive mindset coach, and yoga instructor with nearly 25 years of teaching experience. Her relatability is key to her success and sets her apart from others in the field.

Her philosophy is rooted in the belief that one’s relationship with self is the foundation for defining all other relationships. Her work is for those who are ready to take “Empowered Responsibility” for their choices and life—courageously recognizing themselves as the common factor in all of their life experiences.

Through guided meditation and self-study, open dialogue, breath focus, and various other tools, Cher helps her clients lift the veil of conditioning and deeply seeded beliefs and gain insight into themselves. Cher has led seminars, workshops, retreats, and spoken at lectures internationally. As a meditation and mindset coach, she guides individuals to realizing their unique, personal potential and living authentically with a productive contribution to the collective.


Download Your FREE Beginners Guide to
My 7 Simple Steps to Meditation

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